Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I'm not disagreeing with the fact that the war has cost many lives and large amounts of money, but war costs lives and money; it always has and it always will. America has always recovered their war.

I also disagree with the fact that Iraq's government was sufficient before the start of the war.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Position: The war in Iraq should be supported by every American citizen.

Thesis: While there are still American soldiers fighting in Iraq to stop the spread of terrorism, spread freedom, spread democracy, protect the vulnerable oil supply and fix the ideological struggle, the war in Iraq should be supported by all Americans.

The first paragraph will tell about what would happen to the country of Iraq if US soldiers were to pull out before the Iraqi government and army can support its self. Iraq is leaning its self on the US support and they need any help they can get to help the country running. If the soldiers that are already in Iraq and the ones getting ready to deploy quit and went home then the whole war would be a waste.

If U.S. forces give up the fight in the streets of Baghdad, President Bush says, Americans will face terrorist attacks at home.

President Bush says the security of the civilized world depends on defeating terrorists in Iraq.
The next reason I will discuss is the spread of freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people.
“No matter what your ideals are, our sons and daughters are fighting for our freedom,”

Another reason is to protect and secure Iraq’s oil supply because it supplies the American economy with oil and it is also very important in the re-establishment of Iraq.

"There is an incredible natural resource available to the Iraqi people to help them reestablish their society, and we will work to make sure it's available, and that a significant environmental disaster is not inflicted,"

The last topic I will discuss is fixing the ideological problem in Iraq.

He says it is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st Century.

"On one side are those who believe in freedom and moderation - the right of all people to speak, worship and live in liberty. On the other side are those driven by tyranny and extremism - the right of a self-appointed few to impose their fanatical views on all the rest,"

Audience: Any person who does not support the war in Iraq and thinks that the government should pull out right now without finishing the job.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Support for the War in Iraq

In the widespread debate on the War in Iraq, people have many different reasons why the United States should or should not still be fighting in Iraq. I am arguing for why the War in Iraq is still neccesary and why it should still be supported by the American people and people all around the world. The US troops are fighting to stop the spread of terrorism in the middle east and around the world and they are also spreading democracy to the corrupted ploitical system in Iraq that was once ruled by the dictator Suddam Husein. The oil supply from the middle east is endangered by possible terrorist attacks and needs to be secured for the US economy.